Our Sponsors 

Celia Saunders is sponsoring the Efosa Trophy
Andrea Planchant  -  Bowen Therapist for the Horse and Rider
Does your horse suffer from:
Ÿ Unlevelness or uneven shoe wear?
Ÿ Stiffness on one rein?
Ÿ Sore or cold back?
Ÿ Uncharacteristic change in temperament?
Ÿ Deterioration in performance?

Are you in balance with your horse?  Do you sit evenly in the saddle?

The Bowen Technique promotes healing and pain relief working to re-balance the horse and/or rider to enable them to work together effectively.

For more information contact:  Tel: 07791118538 or
e.mail :  andrea.planchant@tiscali.co.uk 
Visit  www.welshbowentherapy.co.uk                                                     

Andrea is sponsoring a Novice Trophy.

Annabel Thomas - McTimoney-Corley Spinal Therapist.
Annabel Thomas is sponsoring a Junior High Point Rider Trophy.
       The 'Back Lady' for YOU and YOUR ANIMALS
Gentle Effective Manipulation & Massage to relieve problems such as:
You                                                          Your Animals
Migraine & Headaches                       Unexplained Lameness
Stiff Neck or Back Pain                        Loss of Performance
Sciatica                                                  Difficulty or refusal to Jump
Imbalance in the saddle                     Bucking or Rearing
Contact Annabel on 07989 744067 or for further information www.annabelthomas.co.uk


Lady Marina Pritchard

Penny Cavill

Sue Box

Hilary Cuming

Tony Edwards of Troed-y-Rhiw Homes